When IS The Right Time To Turn Your Passion Into A Business Online?

In this week’s blog post I write about a friend that DOES live his passion on Social Media and I think I will adequately answer for you – when IS the right time to turn your passion into a business online.

Time to Turn Your Passion Into A Business Online?

Steven is a YouTuber that I follow who is very successful using his passion for Not Leaving Las Vegas even though he hails from Calgary (and other places in Canada) where I now live.

He still has not hit the 100,000 mark of subscribers but his live streams are very popular on Sunday mornings when he attempts to show you things the other Las Vegas YouTubers typically don’t show you.

Given that a lot of the time Steven is walking the strip or even Freemont Street his live streams often get demonetized for copyright issues with all the popular songs being played and sung by musicians along the strip or under that dome thingy – I forget what it’s called on Freemont street leading up to the Plaza Hotel in what I asssume to be Downtown Las Vegas.

The views of Las Vegas and his discussions of the goings on in Las Vegas are a unique niche that Steven does well with.

But he seeks more. And given some good success with


Unlock Your Advantage

Given my passion for working with computers and working my magic online, the niche of education for making money online is a good niche to base my online business on.

I am a founding member of a Beginners Advantage Coaching program and we are in on Week 32 as of the date of this blog post.

One of the new features that we founding members have available is an Affiliate System Community based on the Skool platform.

The Skool platform is a rewards based platform where a lot of your engagement gives you points and as you reach certain point levels, new rewards are opened up to you.

One such reward is the new Beginners Advantage course which will be open to the public at a date not too distant in the future.

To reinforce my knowledege of “the biz” I have started in on this new Beginners Advantage learning system and I will be just starting in on Module 4 – Unlock Your Advantage.

And just by reviewing some of the section titles, I see it not only goes over what IS the Beginners Advantage Framework but also it gets into helping you discover your potential niches.

If that piques your interest ever so slightly, I invite you to view a fr33 10 minute video and get on my email list where you not only get some related content for affiliate marketers but I’ll also notifiy you when that Beginners Advantage coaching becomes available to you – as one of the general public.

You can check that out from a link under my profile picture of this blog. And that is either on the sidebar to your right or towards the end of this post if you are on mobile.

The video itself is done by Dean Holland – the man at the helm of Internet Profits out of the UK.

He is very comfortable in front of a camera and if you ever join our community (quite frankly), you’ll never get rid of him lol! (That’s a good thing.)

But this video just gives you a taste of his style – and before long, you WILL be wanting more of his experience and guidance.


A Chosen Niche

While our original cohort was studying the original Beginners Advantage Coaching framework, I do see the final section of Module 4 is Choose Your Niche.

This is in addition to the orignal course material because we were concentrated on what I term, Education for the Make Money Online niche. And now IS the time to turn your passion into a bsuiness online. 🙂

That brings us back to Steven – and it sounds like he is dong a video per day now.

And I know he has reservations on doing ANY videos not about Las Vegas.

But he took the plunge and started a new YouTube channel.


The Right Time to Ramp This Up Online


Can you start up a new business when you have no address by choice?

Get in on the discussion with what Steven has to say about this testimony.

I mean, isn’t this almost exactly what an affiliate marketer says?

Let me know in the comments how you feel about this dude that apprently has enough money to buy his own home and chooses to live in a tent.


How about when you are forced out of your home by mother nature?

It’s been 30 years since I considered myself to be a Jasperite and I am as distraught as the Premiere of our Province (Alberta, Canada) appeared to be in a newsconference about the Jasper complex fires yesterday (about 49 minutes in on the video).
My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all affected including front line workers and those supporting Jasperites that are now homeless and displaced.


Have a listen at about 3:30 in to hear from Wendy, a town councilor.

Times of disaster are no times to be starting up a business online.

But imagine if Wendy was already working on establihing an online presence.

I say – it would be welcome relief to divert her attention to doing what needs being done outside of being a Jasper evacuee..



How about when you’ve hit rock bottom and now prepared for the rebound?

Don’t wait until disaster hits. The time is now.

Find yourself a good mentor that can help you with a proven plan.


It almost feels like this last week was a long month.

I don’t make light of the plight of the homeless. Regardless of how they got there I want you to seriously consider what you have going in the way of a backup plan.

I’m here to point you in the right direction if you choose NOT to wait for disaster to strike.

But the time is now. NOW is the right time to turn your passion into a business online.

9 thoughts on “Time To Turn Your Passion Into A Business Online?”

  1. Hi Robert,

    Your post offers a compelling look into the process of turning a passion into a business, blending personal experiences with practical advice.

    I appreciate how you highlight the challenges and opportunities that come with pursuing your dreams.

    Your thoughts on managing time, dealing with doubt, and the importance of finding a supportive community provide valuable guidance for anyone considering this path.

    Thank you for sharing your journey and the practical wisdom you’ve gained along the way.

    Meredith Moore recently posted…Boosting Motivation with Live Training, Social Media, and a Car Adventure…My Profile

  2. Hi, Robert!
    I am looking into turning one of my passions into my niche. I couldn’t be more excited! I haven’t quite struck disaster, yet, but I’m looking to improve my financial situation by doing what I love.
    Good luck to you!

  3. Hi Robert,
    Sometimes that passion is right there staring at us in the eyes and we’re just not “seeing the trees in the forest”.
    You definitely are on the right track with this blog entry; so many of us have experiences that could easily be turned into a blog that would get thousands of subscribers!
    As a fellow Canadian, I can assure you that the current situation in Jasper hit hard – I had to stop listening to the video, Jasper holds a special place in my heart.
    Sending some fellow Canuck love your way my friend!

    1. Thanks Marc. I am following some of my displaced friends. About a third of the buildings were destroyed in Jasper and the Wildfire is ongoing with continued threat to the townsite. Not to mention all of the terrain and wildlife. Offers of condolance and to help have been pouring in from world-wide.
      Robert Klein recently posted…New CommunityMy Profile

  4. Bob Thanks for your post and you are right “The Right Time is Now”. I did watch your video link on the Jasper fire, WOW I had no idea it was so bad! Your having lived there certainly makes it personal. Best of Wishes to you and your fellow Jasperites!

  5. I like the way you lead your subcribers down the critical path. Foorest fires are tough. We have certainly have had our share in Arizona. Thanks for a quailty post.

  6. Thanks for highlighting the fires in Jasper. I had no idea it was so bad. My heart goes out to the folks who lost so much. Hopefully, they can rebound back to a normal life soon.

  7. Hi Robert,
    Great post! I’m soon to work through figuring out the niche that would be best for me. It sounds exciting to get there and I hope I get more clarity and not confused. Sometimes liking too many things can complicate it, but I’ll keep it simple.
    In terms of what happened in Jasper, it was insane to watch and can’t imagine the hardship and loss. My thoughts and prayers go out.
    All the best as you continue your journey!

  8. Hello – Your posts are always so valuable in that they convey the message of moving forward and always mixed with some interesting thoughts. I love how you support your friend with his YouTube channel. So cool! I am in the same program as you, as you know, and I can’t believe it’s been 32 weeks. Wow! We really have come a long way and I look forward to watching your success grow and I appreciate you helping me in my success. I see what you have done on another social media platform for me, and it is much, much, much appreciated! Have a great finish to this fantastic week, my friend!

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