The Process

Welcome to my blog post number two.

The Process


To bring you up to speed, I’m taking you along in the process of learning the ropes as an affiliate marketer.

The more you know about the process, the better prepared you will be when you decide to take that leap of faith.

You know the one – where you take control of your own destiny in Affiliate Marketing…

…and position yourself better for that day when you DO quit that day job.

You’ll be cooler than a penguin in shades!

The Process – First Week

Thus far, I have participated in a number of tasks to establish my business online – and in doing so, I follow the process.

  1. I purchased my domain
  2. I signed up for a free CloudFlare account that helps with control of my website.
  3. I followed instructions for a quick copy and paste of some technical settings with DNS (Domain Name Servers).
  4. I created a WordPress Blog using my domain

The Process – Second Week

I have been warned about getting analysis paralysis when it comes to building my WordPress Blog.

I had the added benefit of having a WordPress Blog setup for me, so before any instructions came about, I started adding the Plugins that I thought I would need.

Just as a foundation, it was suggested that to follow the process – I would need to install what is called, “WordPress Plugins”. Namely those for Anti-Spam, Security, SEO, Speed Resources, Links and Analytics.

The process alone was very simple…pick the plugin; install it; activate it. At times there was an additional step to change a setting and save it. Easy peasy.

The ones that I added were CommentLuv for comment linking, hCaptcha for contact form security, and WPForms Lite for the contact form itself.

I also came up with the suggested About Page, and Legal pages for Privacy and an Income Disclaimer.


Having “The Process” Talk with Dean

First, I’d like to introduce you to Jasper, my AI voice Narrator. He makes introductions and conclusions for some of the videos I will be making for you.

Second, this video that I’ve prepared for you this week will introduce you to my Mentor, Dean.

Both Jasper and Dean speak with British accents.

Without further adieu let’s crack on with Dean having his, “Focus” talk with us.


Hopefully you were able to follow through my progress with this short summary of the process I have been following over the first couple of weeks.

For my inaugural blog post last week I alluded to my why being about being a healthy jet-setter.

I will infrequently bring up these results that I seek,
with the faith that my work on the process and my focus on
bringing you news of my progress with the process will be of benefit to you – and more so – to help you to take action.

Bottom line: Focus on the Process and the Results will Come.

12 thoughts on “The Process”

  1. Congratulation on completing your first few weeks. It can be an overwhelming process for many beginners with all the techy things that have to be completed. However with what you have learned you are now able to show others how to navigate through the sea of marketing information.
    Have an awesome day!

  2. Hi Robert, I am so impressed by your three degrees and your passion to stat down the path of affiliate marketing after being laid off and trying multiple online endeavors. I love this lesson from Dean that you shared, It is hard to do but I am doing my best to stop obsessing over the results, and instead focus on the process that generates results!!! I am so excited to follow you on your journey!

  3. Thanks for this. I see CommentLuv on blogs, what does it do and why do you think it is a good idea to add it? Do you think it makes a difference? I am going to check it out, but would love to have your thoughts and feedback.
    tony simms recently posted…Red Tape & No ReturnMy Profile

    1. Tony, Thanks for your comments and questions.

      We have been told to use the CommentLUV plugin with a note in the back of our heads that it could cause problems as time goes on. The Plugin is no longer being maintained which opens it up to security issues down the road.

      But for now I use it as it has many benefits.

      For one, you can end your comment with a link out to one of your blog posts. You get to choose which one of the last ten of your blog posts that you want to leave as a link.

      Secondly, and as an example I can reply to your comment that uses CommentLUV right here on the blog (and not in the admin area) and I can end my reply with a link to another one of my blog posts that may make sense for the conversation. This gives me an all valuable back-link into my blog – which the search engines eat up. This only works if you use CommentLUV as well.

      I’ve chosen to link to my third blog post which talks about another important WordPress Plugin that helps with SEO.
      Robert Klein recently posted…SEO GodsMy Profile

  4. Hi Robert, great post! I appreciate how you’ve detailed the steps of what you’ve accomplished. It was great how the video with Dean solidified your message about the process. All the best and look forward to seeing you succeed!

  5. Robert,
    Following a proven plan is the best way to go! So many times I catch myself wanting to speed up the “process” but doing so would, as Dean states in your video, only slow things down if not completely do away with the results that we are looking for. You could compare it to baking a cake… If you turn temp up on the oven, the outside gets done faster, but the inside is far from it… Keep following the process, success is around the corner!
    David Roper recently posted…First Things First… Not!My Profile

  6. Robert, Great post with clear steps on what you have done. I love the ‘British’ accents, as I have one too! You have a clarity and direction that is compelling and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Thanks. Atif

  7. Process not outcome reminds me of the spiritual adage: concentrate on the journey and not the destination.

    That way when the destination is reached, celebration is warranted!

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