Get Inspiration from Strange Places

Quite often when I send out a broadcast email it hits me, “This would make a great blog post for an affiliate marketer” and this is one such example. And this idea just jumped out at me while I was doing some YouTube surfing. Getting inspiration from strange places, I am.

Getting inspiration from strange places on the www.
WWW = World Wide Web OR Wicked Web you Weave?


Some Chat in the Founder Q & A

We had another rousing online meeting for what Dean calls the Founder Q & A. I get stuck in my old ways and I have it written in my task book – the old way and I still call it the Beginners Advantage coaching call and it is Week 37, lol. Yes – I started in on the Beginners Advantage trainings some 37 weeks ago and Dean is leading us on – going strong!

Dean is back from his short holiday and some of his message today was that life should not be all about working.

But isn’t that the case for many of us?

We go to school; get into a career; then given no layoffs or anything of the sort – there we are slaving away for 50 years…and if we are lucky enough to be able to afford to retire, we still may be lacking the funds for the things we had originally intended to do in retirement – not working.

On the flip-side, those same people are thinking things about us entrepreneurs.

Oh that lot must have it real bad – having to make sacrifices all their lives – against all odds with no security of a regular paycheque.

But truth be known – that no matter how long it takes – for some it’s a few months – for most it’s a year or two or three before an enterpreneur’s efforts pay off. Us entrepreneurs that have the fortitude to stick with a proven plan that creates results – we have the potential to achieve our goals quicker than the typical working person’s 50 years.

But to keep yourself moving forward can be a bit of a challenge at times. And it is at those moments where your reasons to carry on are important.


Understand Why You Are Doing This

Pay attention to this. What exactly do you want more for? Like what would you do today if you found a few extra zeros were added behind the dollar amount in your bank account?

My answer to that question went like this…

What drives me is to get back to times like 15 years ago when I was living my dream life, my company was making $10K monthly and I was doing what I love. I want to get back to something like that – but better – and working for myself – being my own boss.

You – like me – need to concentrate. Believe in yourself. Focus. Commit 100%. Don’t give in or give up on that thing you’ve committed to.

It is absolutely in your control to create the life you want.

Do you believe this is possible for you? Are you 100% in on the plan or do you hope there is an easier way – meaning you are not 100% all in.

There are so many distractions online and you need to stand on guard for that 100%. Not 80%, not 90% – but 100%. And if you do this – things happen quicker.

Instead of calling it the World Wide Web, I am totally aware of it actually being the Wicked Web I Weave. But today’s distraction has to do with the research I am doing on YouTubers that are in my niche of making money online.


Inspiration from a Strange Place

It came from a strange place but the messaging jumped out to me in the same way. Just have a quick read of what this YouTuber says about the testimony of others that he found very helpful, “The struggles, tips and just hearing others succeed…served as a huge encouragement…”.

Go ahead, use this as inspiration…
A Coder’s Unconventional Story

While I do have computer programming in my background, I’m quite sure you’re not going to be a coder – but his message rings through clearly, do you not think?

Let me know in the comments how you feel some of what he is saying parallels to your own journey.



Implanted in your brain is the phrase, “The perfect time is now.

And if you are providng content anywhere – be it in written word on emails or blogs – or in video on social media, know that your content can provide encouragement to your readers.

And I – like the YouTuber in the linked video above encourage you to write and record your stories as they can inspire those in your niche and beyond.

11 thoughts on “Get Inspiration from Strange Places”

  1. I love your post about finding inspiration in unexpected places! It’s so true that some of our best ideas come from those random moments, and it is so important to stay inspired because the human brain is such a saboteur. It’s a challenge to stay fully committed and not get sidetracked, but remembering why we started can really help. Thanks for sharing these insights and encouraging us to stay focused and inspired!

  2. Finding inspiration as we do other things is important. We cannot be distracted by evrything we see. I sometimes carry a notebook with me to write done those inspirations

  3. Hi Bob,

    You’ve nailed it with how inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. It’s amazing how something as simple as YouTube surfing can spark ideas that fit perfectly with our journey as entrepreneurs. I completely relate to the challenge of balancing work with pursuing our passions, especially when it comes to staying focused amid all the online distractions.

    Your reminder to commit 100% to our goals really stuck with me. Success truly depends on how much we’re willing to put in, and those random moments of inspiration can make all the difference.

    I also love your point about sharing our stories, whether through blogs, emails, or videos. Our experiences can inspire others just as yours did for me today. Thanks for sharing this!

    Meredith Moore recently posted…The Importance of Consistency on TikTok and How to Maintain ItMy Profile

  4. Hi, Bob!
    I know what you mean by inspiration coming from strange places. Strange places and odd times! I carry around a little “detective” spiral in my back pocket for ideas that strike me. It serves me well! I want to get better at sharing my stories in a relatable way. I think that is key to connecting with our audience. Thank you for your post!

  5. Sarah Goulding

    Wow, this blog post is packed with gold! Love how you turned a casual YouTube binge into deep insights on the entrepreneurial journey. It’s so true—building a business can feel like navigating a wicked web, but staying 100% committed and focused really makes a difference. The reminder that inspiration can come from the most unexpected places is spot on. Keep weaving that web of wisdom!

  6. Hi Bob,
    Your blog this week hits so well home! Definitely big questions raised that need to be answered before going forward!
    Being an entrepreneur is like a high wire act without the net! It can be daunting but as we know, when we have mentors and support from other entrepreneurs, we not only increase our chances of success but we indubitably create a successful environment!
    All the best!

    1. I totally hear you on all the changes. I got my foot in the door with my knowledge of Visual Basic. But incrementally each new job gave me more and more responsibilities in authoring Crystal Reports. And now SAP appears to not even want to acknowledge they have that tool in favor of all their other solutions. If Crystal Reports were more popular today, I ‘m sure I would have chosen THAT as my niche.
      Robert Klein recently posted…A Brand New DayMy Profile

  7. Hi Bob! The perfect time is now! What a great phrase you made at the conclusion of your blog post that has so much meaning and inspiration. Why not now, why not me, why not take a chance, and the whole host of other why nots that can be used to motivate one to move forward and be successful. There is a lot of valuable information in this inspirational post. A lot of great new information for me and a lot of reminders that I needed to hear. Thank you!

  8. I get distracted easily, and I’ve been doing or trying to do some make-money online ventures for over 20 years. I have shiny object syndrome, and I know that because of this affliction, I have to fight even harder than most to look away from those enticing objects and look toward the inspiring stories and encouraging messages I see and hear from Dean and everyone in this community and beyond. I’m like an alcoholic in a way, and I have to continuously stop myself from going down another rabbit hole. It’s maddening. This is the longest time I’ve spent with one program and one mentor, and I know in my heart that Dean is the real deal, and there is no question in my mind that I will succeed. But I still cannot let my guard down even for a second. I say wherever you can find your inspiration, grab hold and soak it up to surround your mind with positivity and strength. Great post!

  9. I enjoyed viewing the Travis Report. Chronicling someone else’s journey is motivating. Finding the right edge for success is an ever changing opportunity to embrace change with curiosity and abandon. And that’s where many of us are in this group!!

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