Continuity in Processing

I am surely grateful for the continuity in processing.

Continuity in Processing

Good Day. I hope you are keeping warm.

Here it is – the second week of January 2024 and we are in a deep freeze for a couple of weeks here in Calgary.

Today I bring you the message that training should not leave you out in the cold.

Just like my life here in frosty Alberta Canada, one would expect not to be left out in the cold when it comes to affiliate marketing training.

Having been through the Certified Partner training at Internet Profits (ran from out of the UK), I can attest to the fact the availability for training, mentoring and coaching is top notch – and it does not leave you out in the cold.

All of us Certified Partners are here for the long run with expectations to be doing well within a year or so. It just won’t happen overnight.

This new approach in 2024 is in full swing as far as the training goes for us Certified Partners.

It is not yet open to the public (as of Jan 2024) but it will be – early 2024.

But I’d like to give you a quick run down as to where that training has taken us.

1. Our expectations have been laid out clearly.

2. I’m being guided to explain my identity using a blog.

3. I am also guided to document this journey of learning because in many cases you – one of my readers can learn from me – me being only a a step or two ahead of you.

4. Then I took some initial steps to get started with some setup which you can read about in my blog post about the process.

That was week one.

Week Two Training

Such is the continuity in processing with our training…

In week two of our training we were guided to lay some foundational work.

And more specifically there were plugins that I needed to install on my WordPress blog.

You can even read about one such plugin that I installed…the SEO plugin that I invite you to read about.

And not to worry – everything is laid out for easy implementation.

And when we hit roadblocks we have coaches to get us going. It is important to note that not everyone moves with the same momentum. And it is stressed that we should not compare ourselves to others…

…I am my own person and I move at the speed that is appropriate for me. (so too for you)


Week Three Training

Then in the week three the continutity in processing brought us to training when we learned more about this new approach and how we are in the dawning of a new era when it comes to email marketing.

February 2024 be the date where you will have found a whole lot less spam showing up in your email inbox.

And it really comes down to building and maintaining good relations between me and folks like you as I tell you about this new approach.

I also found that in week three I had my thinking corrected.

You may have heard the saying, “The money is in the list.“.

The real gold goes beyond that with, “The money is in the RELATIONSHIP with the list.”.

It’s a very good point to keep in mind.

And another good point:
I am most capable and qualified to help the person I used to be.

Think about it. Will you listen more to someone that is already making $3K per month or someone like me that is finally just starting to make headway in affiliate marketing?

…someone closer to the place where you may be just starting from…

And finally in week three I was introduced to some done-for-me lead connector sequences…ones that someone like you could connect with.

I was given instruction for adding this lead connector function into my WordPress blog. I really don’t know how to use it yet – but I’m told intructions would follow in weeks down the road.

Week Four Training

Continuity in processing went on as it was explained as being the last technical little bit of work we had to do.

Firstly, I got to set up a subdomain that I would use for emailing FROM.

And I chose an email that I would use to send emails.

Then there are specific settings that the likes of Google and Yahoo started looking for in February of 2024.

Without this step I could almost be assured that you – one of my readers would not get my messages via email.

So, bottom line…this New Approach I am being trained on is ONE system that houses everything under it’s roof. I will have no more need to host a domain from one system; setup an email from another system; get my lead connectors going from yet another system…and the list will go on.

I can even say that if I have aspirations to run my own webinars – I can do that under this same roof.

I know this was a lot to take in – but I wanted you to be aware of where I am at and where you COULD be a couple of weeks down the road from getting started.


It is my hope that you have the same excitement as me for the continuity in processing – and namely the training that will get you moving towards running a profitable affiliate marketing buisness online.

Let me know in the comments about the importance you place on good training.

12 thoughts on “Continuity in Processing”

  1. What a great summary of your journey so far! Having mentor and program to follow is key and I am glad you found your niche. Training is incredibly important as when we finally admit that “we don’t know what we don’t know,” pride falls away and we become open to new ideas, new ways of doing things and it make us admit we all need help to achieve our goals. It looks like you have found a program that can help you achieve even more success – well done!

  2. Nicely laid out and easy to follow. I completely agree that this program is top notch and aren’t we the lucky ones! Look forward to your next post.

  3. People who aren’t coachable, who either refuse help or don’t bother to look for help usually are either delusional or egotistical. But even Michael Jordan, Lionel Messi, and Wayne Gretzky had/have coaches and experts who help them improve and maximize their performance.

    I’m always looking for mentors and good training to improve my abilities.

  4. Robert, very well laid out summary of the last few weeks. It has been quite a ride and you’ve captured it very well. Talking of cold, my cousins live in Edmonton not too far from you and my uncle said at one point it was like -40. Here in London. We hit -4 this week, but up in Scotland it was about -13. keep warm and keep writing those blogs because they’re very useful and I’m looking forward to your next one. Thanks for your open and honest insight and I’m loving the penguin . Thanks, Atif

  5. Hi Robert,
    Great way to summarize those steps. On a lighter note, I can assure you that we’ve had our fair share of cold weather here in Ottawa – mind you, from experience, it really can get much colder in Calgary 🙂
    Looking forward to read your continued experience!

  6. That was a busy time for us all.
    I think Dean did a great job by starting an affiliate system during a winter when we tend to have more time to do the tasks.
    I am also looking forward to seeing more info about the webinar platform we gonna use within the Affiliate System.
    Speak soon. Tom

  7. Robert,
    I love the way you have laid out all of the training, and the steps you have taken so far! I think what Dean is doing is remarkable, and I believe we will all have great success! I look forward to following your journey as well! Best of luck!

  8. As a newbie to anything internet, without training I’d be sunk. Luckily I truly believe I landed in the best possible place. I looked at a few other programs but Dean Holland was the only one that didn’t sugar coat it. You have to learn the skills and put the work to make it. I look forward to your next post.

  9. Robert,

    As others said, it is a very good summary of where we stated to where we are at in the IP program. Just think this was just in a 5 week period of time. In week 7 we start on setting up for traffic and then monetization.
    It is great to have someone like Dean Holland to guide you on the path to success. With all this training and homework we will be set to launch our affiliate marketing before the end Q1. This is exciting and look forward to your progress.

  10. I love what you say about moving at a speed appropriate for you.

    It is more important to take the time to make sure that things are done correctly, rather than rushing only to find out that you have made unnecessary mistakes and have to go back to correct it.

    Thanks for the timely reminder.

  11. HI Robert,

    Great job laying it all out the way you did! It’s so critical to have that mentor and proven plan to follow plus continued support through to success! I look forward to your next posts.


  12. Good training has been essential in braving this new world of affiliate marketing. I also enjoy getting my own questions answered. Sometimes, I ask a question, and it turns out I’ve not understood what I was trying to do at all! This week I learned there is a better way to respond to comments on my blog. I also discovered that my notification that I had new comments that I thought should have been cleared was due to forgetting to check the pending comments tab. It is good to have mentors and trainers! Just a quick check-in and voila! The way is made clear 🙂

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