Back a Sail

Hey, I hope you are doing well.

Back a Sail

I received this definition from my operating system’s AI Copilot:
In nautical terms, “Back a sail” is the process of reversing the direction of a sail to slow down or stop a boat. This term is used to reduce speed intentionally, such as when maneuvering into a dock or during a storm.

It’s part of the extensive vocabulary used by sailors to communicate effectively about the operation of a ship.

That’s how I feel about my online business these days.

I’m going Back a Sail as I deal with that financial hiccough we call bankruptcy.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been wavering on continuing my course – full steam ahead or take it back a sail and preserve some retirement savings.

Bankruptcy in Canada isn’t so bad. There’s a lot that you get to keep.

I’ll loose all the credit I’ve built up over about 45 years.

And I’ll have a credit union account and a secured credit card to do my banking.


No Unsecured Credit Card?

When I find extra cash – I’ll be putting that into my Meta Lead Ads budget.

I invite you to check out a prior post of mine that puts many Meta Ad image specs all in one table.

And I’m happy  – cards for both the accounts I mention above are accepted by Meta.

But It looks like I am done with Google Ads. They won’t accept either card.

That does not matter so much to me as I already had my time with Google Ads and this gives me more opportunity to work some magic with Meta Lead Ads.

Time will tell but I am still on the upside of things going well for me.

Let me know in the comments whether you’ve had any financial set backs that in turn helped you keep focussed on what is important.

Now, if this continuing of my journey as an affiliate marketer during the nine months of my bankruptcy interests you, I invite you to subscribe to my Priority Advantage Newsletter. It is from there that I can let you know when I make a new post here. And I can keep you informed of my ups, my downs, and my efforts to make my Meta Lead Ads work for me and my business.

Join my Priority Advantage Newsletter here.

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